Eventually, this page will contain links to some Maps of the diocese, and various towns within it, including:

  • The Diocese of Chartres (and parts of contiguous dioceses) before the creation of the diocese of Blois (which was largely carved out of the diocese of Chartres in 1687).

    This map was published in the 1860's in the Memoires of the Societé archéologique d'Eure-et-Loir, and is the work, I presume, of Lucien Merlet, who was the Archiviste of the departément d'Eure-et-Loir

    I also assume that this map was generated by Merlet from a careful reading of the documents placed under his care, including, above all, the various detailed Pouillés of the diocese, most of which have been subsequently published by the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Auguste Longnon, ed. Pouilles de la Province de Sens (Recueildes Historiens de la France... Pouillés,tome IV), Paris, 1904).
  • Chartres  in 1748.

  • Various maps from the region made by the Cassini in the mid-18th century as part of the royal project of mapping the whole of France.

  • Gallardon in the 19th century.


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